
[fu-upload-form suppress_default_fields=”true” form_layout=”post_image” title=”Tell us about You & Your Beloved Pet” post_type=”tribute” success_page=”http://tribute.rolda.org/2015/11/18/your-tribute-matters”]
[input type=”text” name=”name” class=”required” description=”Your Name*”]
[input type=”text” name=”contact-email” class=”required” description=”Email address*”]
[input type=”text” name=”post_title” class=”required” description=”What is the name of the pet you pay tribut for?*”]
[textarea type=”text” name=”description” description=”Are there any special words you want to share with the world? Or the story of both of you?”]
[input type=”file” name=”photo” multiple=”false” description=”Include a picture you like to share.”]
[input type=”submit” class=”btn” value=”Submit”]
[one_half last=”yes”]
Share your story on our tribute wall